25 Nov 2017

25th November 2017. Not my coal fired battleship!


Saturday 25th 32-42F, 0-6C, sky clearing, thin mist, with some sunshine threatened. It was quite slippery where the road salting hadn't quite reached. I passed a few pheasants at close quarters but they seemed unmoved by my presence. The first flying bird I saw was a large, brown, bird of prey. Followed by five geese in a perfectly staggered row, then a Yellowhammer and a tiny wren. Which was bouncing around in a roadside tree like it was in a pinball machine. The sun waited until I was returning home before burning through the clouds to blind me to oncoming traffic. A normal Saturday shopping ride is indicated.

Strange weather. The early sun soon vanished. To be replaced by much thicker mist and a heavy overcast.

Some sort of Christmas decoration sale had the new cycle path littered with moron's cars. I limited myself to folding one rear view mirror.

Nobody was observing the speed limits [as usual] along the stretch where the new cycle path is still being laid with glacial haste. The earliest sections are now so deep in leaf liter that they will soon need a forest harvester to clear the pioneering growth of birch trees.

One village idiot is enjoying his revenge for losing a narrow strip of his vast estate by raking decorative gravel onto the new cycle path. Not only that but he gets his revenge with compound interest. By offering to rake the verge gravel from half a dozen homes in series, onto the new cycle path. 

By some miracle, or somebody local reading my blog, the years-old cardboard cover over a bottomless pit in the cycle path has finally been tarmacked. I wonder if they found any fossils or cave art down there?

Talking of cardboard cut-outs: The musical chairs election to the gravy train has been held but the election placards are still composting on the lamp-posts. Some of the parties have had decades to do something [anything] right [but haven't yet] yet are still demanding yet another chance to fail to fulfill any of their promises.

Probably desperate to spend more taxpayer's money on private parties in their latest, palatial, Louis 14th inspired, town halls. Not to mention lavish trips abroad to check out top restaurants, rack up huge booze tabs and enjoy the best seats at the top baseball and basketball matches. I call that theft. Transparency International just calls it corruption.

Still, it's only a drop in the ocean compared with the expenditure on a fleet of coal-fired battleships. Even when built by starving, worm-ridden, North Korean slaves. Plus the cost of vast squadrons of fighter aircraft matched only by Putin the Truly Awful. It seems the taxpayer is going to have to buy up and demolish every house in South Jutland [Jylland] because of the racket these new planes will make at their 'private' airfield.

The sun had fought its way back out again as I headed for home. By which time I had warmed up and had to remove my cardigan and scull cap despite a chilly headwind. The heavy winter [scooterist's] gloves were comfortable without becoming sweaty on their first outing this year. 15 miles.

Sunday 26th 38F, 3C, very heavy overcast. First, of three days of continuous rain! We already need a rubber dinghy to get down the drive!

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